Legal Matters When a Loved One Dies
Nothing can be more stressful and heartbreaking than the loss of a loved one. Even worse can be the legal and financial matters left behind after their passing. Discover what can be done to ease this transition and secure your financial future.
Free Health Care Documents
During this difficult time we’re here for our community. Everyone should have proper legal documents should they need them. For your free Healthcare Surrogate and Living Will, click below….
Florida Durable Power of Attorney Toolkit
The Ultimate Florida Durable Power of Attorney Guide and Self-Assessment lets Florida residents know and understand what a DPOA is, when it’s used and why it’s THE simple most important document to have up to date and Florida compliant at all times….
Subscribe to Our Estate Planning Newsletter
Subscribe to our newsletter to receive monthly tidbits about what’s happening at the firm, with your favorite attorneys, in the world of estate planning and so much more….